People in the business world are likely to hear the term “white paper” at some point in their careers. It doesn’t matter whether the white paper is serious or amusing, it has become an essential part of the cryptocurrency community.

There has been a noticeable shift in how even retail investors approach crypto investments. The white paper is considered by many to be the most important part of the launch of many crypto projects today. When it comes to starting a website, the only thing that matters is the paper.

A white paper, on the other hand, is a document that explains something in greater detail. However, this article aims to cover how to write crypto papers and form them.

What Is A White Paper?

The British government came up with the concept of white papers about a century ago. It was through these papers that the public learned about important decisions made by some government agencies.

In today’s business world, the white paper is a marketing tool that is used to persuade and influence decision-makers. What gives it the moniker “white paper”? It’s a government designation from the United Kingdom. Documents marked with the color “white” are those that are open to the general public.

Since then, this scientific paper has entered the public sphere. From that point on, its sole purpose was to be perused by anyone who might be interested in purchasing it.

Inbound marketing includes the use of white papers, which are often published on a company’s website. White papers are useful in a variety of ways in B2B marketing. Many businesses use white papers to promote thought leadership and build an email list, among other things. Additionally, white papers can be used to establish a company’s credibility and win over new customers.

The government continues to produce these documents. Despite this, the white paper has numerous applications in both the public and private sectors.

Preparation For Writing A Crypto White Paper

White paper templates are frequently requested, but they are not required. In general, templates serve more like general guidelines. To convince the target audience of a project’s merits, a white paper needs to have a clear structure and all sections work together.

Though it is not required, the paper also shouldn’t read like a blog post. The length of blog posts is decreasing. However, even the most lengthy papers may have goals that are different from those of a white paper. For example, a white paper’s objectives may include growing a readership or increasing the number of people who register for a webinar.

It costs nothing for the audience to take action, so the purpose of writing and, by extension, what kind of writing it is, differs greatly. Cryptocurrency supporters must be persuaded to buy one of many digital currencies to back the project.

Identifying the audience before writing a single word or conducting any research is essential. Using this method of research, a writer can quickly determine the language and psyche of their audience. As a result, the direction of future research should be aided by this method.

Good white papers are built on solid research foundations. It’s important to thoroughly investigate the project team, the product or service, and why it’s the best solution to a long-standing problem.

Because of the technical nature of crypto white papers, there is no room for error in the content.

Key Contents Of A White Paper

1. Project Outline

As stated in his book “Writing White Papers,” Michael Stelzner advises that the white paper should begin by addressing a problem or challenge the reader is currently facing. This is the quickest and most direct route to capturing the interest and addressing the concerns of your intended audience.

To make the main points of the paper clear to the reader, statistics, diagrams, and facts will be used.

2. Solution

It is in this paper that the project team’s solution is presented. If the author has produced quality work, the solution will fit the problem.

After convincingly presenting the solution, the next step is to show off the team members. Here, the writer should persuade the reader—without using overly promotional language—that the project’s team is capable of fulfilling its promises (i.e., the solution).

3. Overview Of The Team

In the team section, you may see real photos, brief bios, and links to your LinkedIn and Twitter accounts. The team sometimes uses NFTs as their profile pictures, but this may not be the best way to build trust with potential customers. There is nothing to hide in the team’s trust signals, which encourages the reader to continue exploring further.

4. Information On Token Release And Marketplace Considerations

The value of the crypto tokens, the number of tokens in circulation, and the platform on which they will be issued should all be included in this section.

Your plan for token redemption and what will happen if your crowdfunding method such as an initial coin offering (ICO) falls short of its financial goals are also critical elements to include in your plan of action (investor refund process). This section should also contain a statement about your terms and conditions, or at the very least a link to your website where they can find it.

5. Project Roadmap

The project’s target audience will have an easier time visualizing the roadmap after reading this document. Readers and investors can use the roadmap to keep tabs on the team’s progress once the project is up and running.

The roadmap, on the other hand, helps to hold the team to their end of the bargain. Are they on track to meet their stated objectives? Missing a goal can hurt a project’s reputation because of the audience’s attention.

White Paper Formatting And Design

Formatting should be the priority after the white paper has been completed. In many of these papers, readability has been overlooked, making them difficult to understand.

Because cryptocurrency is becoming more widely accepted, it is important to keep beginners in mind when creating content. Many common terms in the crypto community are unfamiliar to those who are just getting started. You should never assume that your readers are familiar with crypto terms and concepts when writing for them.

White space is an important consideration when formatting. Because of a lack of white space, some white papers are difficult to comprehend. (You can learn more about white space here.)

Ensure that there is adequate padding on all sides before submitting your work. You should pay close attention to the distance between paragraphs and other elements in your writing. Graphs, illustrations, and other visual assets can also be included to help reinforce the main points of the document.

The paper is allowing the reader to “breathe” before moving on to the next section by providing a sufficient amount of white space. Breaks in the text may seem counterintuitive, but they help readers retain the information and continue reading until the end.

Decisions about the design should also not be left up to the team. If the tokenomics are sound, a well-written paper can sell a project on its own. The design of such a paper, however, should not be overlooked.

Formatting problems like those described above can be solved by graphic designers. The designers, on the other hand, make their mark by ensuring that all visual design elements are consistent with the brand’s message and identity. Customers will have a positive experience if this is done.

The opposite is also true: Ignoring the design can lead to a disconcerting experience. To make matters worse, readers may have a hard time remembering which company or brand published the article.

That’s why it is best to allow a professional designer to handle the design work. However, it is important to find a designer who understands the project’s identity, audience, and goals. In addition, the designer and the writer can work together to ensure that all of the elements of the story are connected and make sense.

When content and design work together to create a cohesive whole, the user gets the most out of the experience.


Making a splash is much easier with a well-written white paper. Regardless of the crypto project’s launch model, generating buzz makes it easier to raise funds.

An initial stake offering (ISO) or even a more traditional and financially friendly approach like an IPO or venture capital funding may be chosen by a project. It makes no difference. It’s a good idea to have a white paper for every major project.