The real-time value and potential for significant returns attract cryptocurrency investors. This is because crypto trading is one of the fastest ways to make money online today. However, for every promise of substantial financial gain, there is a risk of fraudulent activities. Therefore, this article delves into the BitConnect case study to understand one of the biggest crypto scams in history.

Background Of BitConnect

BitConnect case study

BitConnect was launched in 2016 by Satish Kumbhani. Its operation centered on offering a lending program where users could lend their Bitcoin in exchange for BitConnect tokens (BCC). The platform claimed to use a sophisticated trading algorithm called “BitConnect Trading Bot” to capitalize on Bitcoin’s price volatility perfectly.

The BitConnect Crypto Scam Exposed

This “Textbook Ponzi scheme” occurred between February 2016 and January 2018 and was masterminded by its founder, Satish Kumbhani, and other co-conspirators. It involved the lure of new investors to invest their money with a mouthwatering promise of huge returns. But what BitConnect did was to pay earlier investors with the funds of the new investors. This cycle continued, with the Ponzi scheme getting bigger and more complex.

BitConnect’s promised returns could reach 1% daily or about 40% monthly. According to BitConnect’s advertisement, the higher the initial deposit, the higher and faster that its users can earn profits. But in reality, Kumbhani and his co-conspirators ensured that up to 15% of the money invested into BitConnect went directly into a slush fund that the owner and the promoters are its beneficiaries.

In most cases, the platform did upload marketing videos on YouTube for promotions that included testimonials of supposed investors who have had huge returns. This also had Instagram influencers and other high-profile individuals promoting the BCC tokens.

The constant promotions saw new investors entering BitConnect’s ecosystem, as it also adopted a multi-level referral system that incentivized its users to bring more investors to the platform. As such, the more people are referred, the higher the bonuses.

Therefore, the increased number of investors expanded the scheme and the fund inflow. BCC’s value rose from $0 to $463 within months, with its market cap peaking at $3.4 billion.

The Fall Of BitConnect

Revelations about BitConnect’s fraudulent activities started after intense scrutiny from authorities like the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and other crypto community members, including Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin.

This was followed by a cease and desist order given to BitConnect from regulatory bodies in Texas and North Carolina in January 2018. This was due to the platform’s unauthorized security offerings and fraudulent practices. It could also be recalled that the platform had, in November 2017, received a strike-off notice from the British Registrar of Companies.

BitConnect suddenly shut down its lending and exchange platform in 2018 on the heels of its legal tussle with regulatory authorities like the SEC. Therefore, the BCC tokens, whose value has once rallied around $400, significantly dropped to $0 – leaving investors with huge losses of about $2.4 billion.

The online channels of BitConnect – both website and social media platforms were closed down as individuals behind BitConnect disappeared. Other key players in this fraudulent scheme were popular promoters like Glenn Arcaro, Craig Grant, and Trevon James.

These individuals allegedly used social media platforms to promote BitConnect, promising financial freedom and wealth to unsuspecting investors.

Arrests And Legal Proceedings Against BitConnect

Some of the promoters of BitConnect have been arrested. One of them is Glenn Arcaro, who pleaded guilty to his crime of conspiracy in September 2021. He admitted to earning over $24 million in commission and other payments – all of which is expected to be repaid to investors in restitution or forfeited to the government, according to court documents.

Arcaro was sentenced to 38 months in jail for his involvement in the scheme on September 16, 2022. But the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) had ordered the sale of $56 million worth of cryptocurrency seized from BitConnect.

That is believed to be the most significant cryptocurrency recovery for victims to date. Also, recently, a California judge ruled on $17 million in restitution to about 800 of the scheme victims from over 40 different countries – a fund recovered from Arcaro.

It should be noted that the SEC had, in February 2022, indicted Satish Kumbhani on conspiracy and multiple fraud charges. They are predicated on wire fraud, operation of an unlicensed money transmitting business, conspiracy to commit wire fraud, conspiracy to commit international money laundering, and conspiracy to commit commodity price manipulation.

Therefore, if all these charges hold water, Kumbhani would be risking 70 years in prison. But he disappeared a week after his indictment, and his whereabouts remain unknown at the time of writing this article.

Lessons Learned From BitConnect’s Crypto Scam

1. Investor Awareness

The BitConnect case study necessitates the importance of investor’s education in the crypto space. So, irrespective of your level of experience (beginner or advanced), you should consciously research deeper into any investment opportunity or platform. It is a rule of thumb that when an investment offering is too good to be true, it is probably fraudulent.

2. Regulatory Measures

The BitConnect case was a wake-up call for regulatory bodies like the SEC to approach crypto-related activities proactively. The inadequate regulatory framework had allowed BitConnect to fester its fraudulent operations to steal about $2.4 billion of investors’ funds in one of the biggest Bitcoin Ponzi schemes.

Therefore, this incident underscores the need for a robust regulatory framework to protect investors and uphold the integrity of the crypto market as it continues to emerge.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About BitConnect Case Study

Is BitConnect Still Trading?

No, BitConnect has shut down its operation since January 2018.

Did Anyone From BitConnect Go To Jail?

Yes, arrests have been made since the uncovering of the BitConnect scheme, and Arcaro was sentenced to 38 months in prison in September 2022.

How Much Did BitConnect Steal?

BitConnect stole about $2.4 billion from its investors across over 95 countries.


BitConnect is one of the notorious scams in the crypto industry, as it left an imprint of loss and important lessons. Its case study is a litmus test of the inherent risks in the crypto market, emphasizing the need for deep research and guidance, as well as adequate regulation to make future investments safe.