Crypto-jacking made its first headline in September 2017, right around the time Bitcoin was rallying at its new highs. It didn’t stop there as it started emerging as a topical issue when Bitcoin hit its all-time high back in 2017.

The first known crypto-jacking was Coin Hive, which is composed of a series of JavaScript files providing a new approach to website owners to enable money to be generated for new and existing users.

Often than not, hackers are habitual of leveraging flaws in a particular website to exhaust the resources of users’ devices secretly. Cryptocurrency would also be mixed and stirred in their designed wallets.

In March 2019, Coinhive’s services were completely shut down, but some copies of their software are still in circulation for use. Today, crypto-jacking has become more popular than the formerly threatened cyber attack technique.

The Working Of Cryptojacking

Cryptojacking is synonymous with the event of hacking into company/personal computers, mobile devices, and laptops to infect them with malicious software to perform their bidding.

This narrative is also prevalent in cryptocurrency as the malware steals the digital wallets of vulnerable users with the use of a computer’s processing sophistication. This malicious code is easy to deploy while operating in the background, undetected.

1. Browser-Based Attack

This is considered an alternative to the method of crypto mining. This method operates with the insertion of a bit of JavaScript code on a web page. Bitcoin mining is executed with the code being initiated on any user device that navigates the web page. Mining continues so far device browser is open, as the device saves nothing.

However, worms are capable of altering their scripts to function on different computer frameworks. Using crypto-mining scripts, a device can be monitored to check crypto-jacking activities by other malware. After discovery, the scripts can be deactivated.

2. File Based

The use of traditional malware antics, like sending an attachment or link in an email, is one of the common activities of crypto-hackers. The device is infected with crypto-mining malware once the attachment is open or the link is clicked.

3. Cloud-Based

This is the least option usually considered by cryptojackers to steal cryptocurrency. This operates with the hijacking of cloud resources to mine Bitcoin. Cloud-based is characterized by hackers using cloud cryptojacking to scan through a company’s files and code for the API keys to access its cloud services.

How To Prevent Cryptojacking

1. Stay Updated With Latest Trends

Cryptojacking is a new term that is just evolving, hence it is important to get more knowledge about it to enhance your adeptness in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. So the more you understand the concept, the greater your chances of preventing your smart devices and their sensitive data from being compromised by malicious attacks.

2. Install An Ad-Blocking Or Anti-Cryptomining Extension

Cryptojacking scripts are often sent via advertisement, using tools like email, employing an ad-blocker to prevent their access is the best idea. With different ad-blockers, crypto mining scripts can be detected. Also, extensions like MinerBlock and No Coin are effective in identifying and stopping crypto mining scripts.

3. Use Endpoint Protection

There is already an integration of crypto-miner detection into the products of many endpoint anti-virus software companies.

4. Perform Frequent Malware And Spyware Scans

Having known about cryptojacking malware, it is imperative to regularly check your devices for malware or spyware. To stay safe, do this at least once a month.

5. Disable JavaScript

Always disable your JavaScript when visiting websites, to protect your device from the infection of cryptojacking malware.


The activity of cryptojacking might not appear offensive because the victim’s computer’s data is what is stolen. But it should be noted that these are achieved for unlawful purposes, without the agreement or knowledge of the concerned individual or company. To allay this looming fear, it is advisable to adopt adequate cybersecurity practices while installing reliable intranet security of your devices.