Money is very important in our lives because it solves our daily needs and also brings us comfort. Students in Nigeria are often grouped as the dependent category of the population, hence it is not a common thing to make money as a student . This means that most students are still dependent on parents, guardians or anyone who sponsors them through school.

However, some students may not be privileged to have these figures in their lives, hence, they would need to make a living even as students.

The Nigerian education system does not offer much room for students to work part-time and make money. The tight school activities hardly give full-time students the chance to work or even start a business in school.

Most often, some students may want to start a business but they are faced with a more harsh problem, lack of capital.

Most formal jobs in Nigeria require first-degree certification and also, the completion of the compulsory National Youth Service Corps(NYSC). This makes it impossible for students to get jobs before the completion of their education in schools.

However, money must be made and the least we can do is to create more convenient ways to make money as students. There are some ways one can earn a living with little or no skills as a student and that is what we are going to discuss in this article.

Make money as a student

Ways To Make Money As A Student In Nigeria

1. Become a Tutor:

You can easily make money as a tutor by teaching other people in school. They must not be your peers or classmates, you may take on a lower-level course that you are very good at and students will pay you for your services. 

You can even extend your services to the community at large, teaching kids in your environment and getting paid by their parents.

Also, you can advance your tutorial classes to online platforms and you will be amazed at how much people are willing to pay for your services.

2. Become A Freelancer:

You can become a freelancer on platforms like Upwork or Fiver. We are in a digital world where almost everything can be done remotely. If you have a skill like graphic designing, product designing and even writing, then you can earn yourself some money online.

Writing is a very common thing to do, you need not be a professional writer to write some blog posts and publish them on publishing platforms like Blogger or Medium.

3. Assist In Registration:

It’s common knowledge that the registration process in school is often stressful for many students. Freshers often have a hard time with the whole registration process, so helping them out with a token is a great idea.

Your colleagues who understand the process may not want to get involved in the stress, taking the stress on their behalf for a fee is also a great idea for making money.

You only need your personal computer, a good internet connection and a printer to start this business.

Make money as a student

4. Sell Data And Airtime:

Selling data and airtime is a lucrative business which does not require much time and effort. The use of airtime and mobile data is a necessity for students and everyone, so imagine how much money you’ll make if you become a distributor of airtime and data to a large number of students.

You can start by signing up with small-scale virtual top businesses and build your first network around your neighbours and friends who may refer you to others.

You can also sell to people in bulk and start earning some money for yourself.

5. Tailoring:

Many students use this skill for their school. Once you have a tailoring skills and a sewing machine, all you need to do is advertise your skills to other students and sew their clothes for a charge. 

You do not need to have a workshop to be able to start this, your personal space can serve, as long as you have work to do.

Dressmaking can be demanding sometimes, so you should work on weekends and give your full attention to school activities during the weekdays.

6. Catering:

This is a very common skill among students now and they are making money from what they do. You can start making different kinds of dishes and pastries for the consumption of students around you.

Not everyone has the time or ability to cook often, so this business has proven to be lucrative in schools.

Also, you can bake cakes, bread, chinchin and many more and sell them for a fee. 

7. Makeup/Nail Technician:

We all know that makeup artists and nail technicians are one of the most sorted professionals in the fashion world today in Nigeria.

Although the demand for these services may not be stable, you can make money from doing makeovers and nails for female students during the weekends and on special occasions.

Also, considering how demanding this job can be sometimes, it may clash with your school activities. Therefore, you need to find a balance between the two. You can learn this on YouTube channels and start making money with this skill.

8. Hairstylist/Barber:

If you can make a nice hairstyle or give a clean haircut, trust me, you’ll never lack money in school. You’ll always find clients who are willing to pay you a sum to create beauty in their hair. 

YouTube is always there for you to learn any skill you like. So you can just spare some time and learn these things to help you make extra money while in school.

9. Event Planning:

This is a good skill that will fetch you money in school. You only need some professional skills in event management and also the ability to convince your client that you can plan and manage an event.

Remember that the goal is to plan and manage an event to success. Your major work is o source out professionals that can deliver on projects.

10. Affiliate Marketing:

Affiliate marketing is surely one of the best ways to make money as a student in Nigeria especially if you have a large social media fan base.

By signing up for a good affiliate programme and sharing it with your family and friends, you can start earning commission from any products sold through your link.


There are many opportunities and ways to make money as a Nigerian student, don’t think otherwise.

You only need to get a skill and start up something for yourself. It will definitely not be so easy when you start but with time, you’ll get used to it and start earning a good living for yourself.